Nairs 1.4
Nairs is a group of castes of Hindus mainlyoriginating from the state of Kerala in India. There are more than10 million Nairs spread all over the world. Over 3,000 Nairs areliving in the state of California, USA.Nair Service Society of California is an association of NAIRcommunity members living in California. Its charter and mission aresimilar to the NSS organizations around the world.Nair Service Society of California is founded mainly forbuilding a platform for all Nairs to join together. We shall notforget our home or family where we were born, and we should notabandon the community where we are a part of. It is ourresponsibility to safeguard the rich heritage of our community andshare those with our generation and pass it on to the nextgenerations.NSS of California would like to compliment various religious andcultural organizations in their efforts to strengthen and vitalizeHindu religious activities and wants to stretch our arms to helpthe less fortunate members of the Nair community through NairService Network.
Mission 71+
Let us work together to make mission 71+Kerala a reality. Join Mission 71+ and support Kerala BJP.